Ndiini School Food Programme is a registered Irish charity (CHY No 20136) that provides primary school students in Kenya with daily school lunches. Our lunches are designed to meet the nutritional needs of children. By providing nutritious, cost-effective and sustainable school lunches to primary school students, we hope to improve attendance rates and overall educational performance.
Ndiini School Food Programme 2022
During the Covid pandemic, the charity had ongoing problems keeping the food programme going. As the schools closed, we made two drop offs to parents to help them during this difficult time. When the children returned to school later in the year, it was difficult to establish when the food programme could begin again.
Little did we know that a few miles away, a Kenyan food programme was operating called Food4Education. Contact was made with Food4Education and in September 2021, they began providing food to the children of Ndi’ini. The meals are subsidised at 15Ksh a plate with the organisation paying the remaining 10Ksh. The students are all given a watch called Tap2Eat to which their parents add credit allowing them to pay for their lunch.
Ndiini School Food Programme met with the founder of Food4Education and with support from the Kenyan government the children of Ndi’ini primary school will continue to be provided with a lunch that will ensure their attendance in school and improve their concentration. Food4Education is a perfect fit of Ndi’ini. You can find out more about Food4Edcation and how they operate at
We are proud to be working with Food4Education in providing food that will enable the most vulnerable to continue their education.

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